Climate Change Hits Home

July 31, 2012

In the minds of many Americans, climate change only impacts people living in far-away places and will only become a problem for everyone in the far distant future. Yet more and more science in this area confirms that climate change is playing a part now in patterns of extreme weather in the U.S., and the impacts of extreme weather events are costing Americans significant money and precious lives every year.

Resource Media collaborated with LinkTV to produce a multimedia series highlighting real time climate change impacts in American “backyards” and the science behind them. We developed 12 video spots that illustrate the links between a local extreme weather events and climate change. The videos are simple, concise and focused on flooding in the southeastern U.S., Western wildfires, sea level rise, and more. All source consensus science data and close with a link to, a web portal developed by Resource Media to address common questions and house information for reporters, meteorologists and opinion leaders looking for resources on climate change issues.


  • Source images, media reports and voices to best capture different impacts of climate change today in America.
  • Identify and script each video and ensure information is accurate, clear and compelling.
  • Work with LinkTV to produce a 1-2-minute video spots illustrating extreme weather events, and growing climate-related risks, costs and vulnerability.
  • Post videos to YouTube and Facebook and circulate far and wide, utilizing our broad network of NGOs, educators and others.


As more Americans see the magnitude and severity of the trends and risks associated with climate change in their own backyards, more may be convinced that policy action is needed to reduce them.  Despite political obstacles to near-term federal policy, more dialogue on the growing costs and risks to cities and states across the country can form the basis for stronger investments and climate responses at the local level. The Climate Change Hits Home series reached millions of viewers and helped increase the discussion and awareness needed to build support for more resilient and prepared communities.